
Built Event

Built_Event came out of this architectonic investigation that began to focus on insignificant specific places. Furthermore Built_Event is conceived as a way of defining places through meetings of people in situ and through a collection of the material they bring. By the definition of this Built_Event procedure, the works were installing a singular relation between the selected places, their "conceptual constitution", the common witnessing of them by a group of people, the collection of the visit’s remains in the form of a book. The Built_Event strategy was aiming to propose a particular curatorial work, focused to a concrete locus. This curating of meetings and remains was creating a prepared inversion. Focusing on a particular place was finally conceived as a cloud of different approaches to something missing: the place; the focused place, through this focus, appeared blurred again, lost in an archipelago of multiple isolated approaches. The work was voluntarily an exercise of conceptual dispersal while the target appeared to be a blown up concretization. Focusing created a particular dispersal of meaning, controlled through the invited and joined participants, through a common constructivity.

A Built_Event repeats a specific procedure that has the appearance of a pseudo methodology: its series of works end up with a real result formed as an open bounded book: the book is bounded with screws: it can open, be recharged and bounded again. The works deployment consists in the collection of the pages that form this book. The collection of the pages is done through a specific scenery that includes a place and a group of people. The Built_Event works are done in the background of a self recording. The theatrical act in Built_Event works is work itself. This Built_Event theatrical experience of working consists in an approach to a place that is under construction.

A Built_Event work includes the following steps:

  1. Selection of a place
  2. Naming the work
  3. Invitation of people - selection of working team
  4. In situ visits
  5. In situ workshop
  6. Collection of the visit’s and workshop’s traces
  7. Construction of the trace book